Partial products is breaking down every number in multiplication and adding them. Regrouping is grouping number them adding them.They are alike because they both involve breaking down the numbers and adding them. They are different because one is taking all the numbers broken down, while the other is just a couple of the number.
x = -1
Step-by-step explanation:
Solve for x, When: 
Step by step:

Depends greatly on the type of function.
Some things to keep in mind:
1.) the value of the denominator of a fraction cannot be zero
2.) the inside of an even root cannot be less than zero
3. The argument of a logarithmic function must be greater than zero
4. Plus many more other rules and such
But a simpler explanation, just find out what values x can be for the given function, and what y can be.
The x values make up the domain, the y, the range
Graphs are helpful
Hope this helps!
2/8 or 1/4. 1/4 is just simplified. I hope it helps!
Ksjdhrisgdfbvgigsdtr aerigtksjdbfkhg is the correct answer