Answer: A negatively charged particle that is found in atoms.
The electronic configuration of many ions is that if a closes noble gas to them in a periodic table.
An Anion is a ion that has gained one or more electron, acquiring a negative charge.
A Cation is a ion that has lost one or more electron, gaining a positive charge.
Answer: Option (c) is the correct answer.
Language is defined as a medium through which a person can deliver its thoughts, ideas, or perceptions to one or more individuals.
For example, Leslie is feeling sad and that is why she is crying. Therefore, listening a cry sound her friend sitting in the next room came immediately to console her.
Hence, sound of crying is also a sign of language that tells Leslie is sad about something.
Therefore, we can conclude that the statement languages use spoken sounds, written words, and signs to represent ideas and events, is true about language.
Most radiation exposure comes from natural sources. These so-called "natural sources" include Radon, Internal, Terrestrial, and Cosmic. Among that, Radon proves to be the largest source of radiation. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium.