Objects with the same charge repel each other, and objects with opposite charges attract each other.
The Coulomb law states that opposite charges attract each other and like charges repel each other. That means two positive charges repel each other but a positive and a negative charge attract.
The mass ratio of oxygen rounded to the nearest whole no. 3 : 2
According to Law of Multiple proportion when two elements combine to make two or more different compounds, the mass ratio of the two element in the first compound, when divided by the mass ratio of the second compound , form a simple whole number ratio.
Compound A contains 1.34 g of sulfur for every 0.86 g of oxygen

Compound B contains 11.63 g of sulfur for every 10.49 g of oxygen

Ratio of oxygen in each compound
always put the larger number over the smaller number.

Index fossil, any animal or plant preserved in the rock record of the Earth that is characteristic of a particular span of geologic time or environment.