b. Beta emission, beta emission
A factor to consider when deciding whether a particular nuclide will undergo this or that type of radioactive decay is to consider its neutron:proton ratio (N/P).
Now let us look at the N/P ratio of each atom;
For B-13, there are 8 neutrons and five protons N/P ratio = 8/5 = 1.6
For Au-188 there are 109 neutrons and 79 protons N/P ratio = 109/79=1.4
For B-13, the N/P ratio lies beyond the belt of stability hence it undergoes beta emission to decrease its N/P ratio.
For Au-188, its N/P ratio also lies above the belt of stability which is 1:1 hence it also undergoes beta emission in order to attain a lower N/P ratio.
positively charged elctrons
A mineral occurs naturally, meaning that even though there are artificial substances that might be described as mineral-like they are not minerals
Yes it is B,D.
Each box represents an element and contains its atomic number, symbol, average atomic mass, and (sometimes) name. The elements are arranged in seven horizontal rows, called periods or series, and 18 vertical columns, called groups.