Small cliffs, hills, beaches, lakes and streams are the landforms that cover long island.
Virtually every crime gun in the United States starts off as a legal firearm. Unlike narcotics or other contraband criminal arms trafficking is widespread in regions of political turmoil, it is not limited to such areas, for example, in South Asia, an estimated 63 million guns have been trafficked into India and Pakistan.
While illegal guns often pass through multiple trafficking channels, the report confirms that corrupt gun dealers and gun shows present challenges to enforcement. Although gun dealers were involved in less than 10 percent of the investigations, they were associated with the largest total number of diverted firearms (over 40,000 guns) and the highest average number of guns per investigation (350). Gun shows had the second highest number of trafficked guns per investigation (more than 130) and were associated with over 26,000 diverted guns.
A firearm is any type of gun designed to be readily carried and used by an individual. The term is legally defined further in different countries (see Legal definitions).
Learn more about trafficking here
The missionaries in the Oregon Territory had a very different purpose than the rest of those in the area. Most people who went west and to the Oregon Terrritory were doing so to get land and start a farm. Missionaries, while they might have done this as well, were primarily there to spread the Christian Gospel and start Christian ministries such as churches and orphanages.
If im correct to me "stay positive" means to have a happy optimistic and overall good attitude to whatever or whoever it may be refering too. "Keep going" in this sentence just means to continue to proceed forward or carry on.
In many parts of Pakistan, economic development and job opportunities are very limited and those are the main reasons for migration. Any laws or other measures to combat smuggling of migrants and close migration routes do nothing to address the main causes of migration and displacement. What is needed, are laws that manage and regulate emigration from Pakistan and entry into other countries, as well as mechanisms to facilitate the return of Pakistani nationals.