Champollion knew that inscriptions on cartouches were often the names of famous leaders.
<span>I think the question is asking why they're not find in southern Mexico. Southern Mexico does not have the proper climate, as it's mostly filled by Jungles (Chiapas, Yucatan, etc) - and cattle would have problems going through the jungle. Cattle needs plains with grass, and this is rather found in the north of Mexico, which is not as humid as the south</span>
Attention cannot truly and fully be split between separate tasks.
Prejudice is when you judge someone before you fully know the content of their character. Discrimination is when you act on your prejudice.
In sociology, families are the group that is affiliated with co-residence. family is a principle institution that teaches a child first. now, these day family breaks the traditional conceptions and emerge new concept. As a unit of socialization, a family is a hot topic among scholars. For sociologist, families are the primary socialization factor and called the first focal institution for children to learn about socialization with family, school, peers, etc. Family is the first school for child development. The role of the family is to perpetuate society both biologically and socially. The nature of a person in a family continuously changes over time.