The answer to your question is butanal
To name this compound we must consider:
1.- Identify the functional group. The functional group of this molecule is the first carbon to the right and its oxygen.
When carbon is attached to oxygen is a border, this functional group is called Aldehyde.
2.- Count the total number of carbons starting from the right. This molecule has 4 carbons.
3.- Name the compound
An organic molecule with 4 carbons is called butane but change the ending for al, then the name will be butanal
Answer: he expected to find no darkening of the film all because it hadn't been exposed to sunlight yet.
The tubes 1, 5 and 6 is the answer to the question which test tubes were used to determine the optimal ph lipase activity. Lipase is an enzyme and optimum ph the maximum possible point on which enzyme become active.
Following are the solution to this question:
If the draw a line perpendicular with y-axis thru the diagonal line check but it meets only one curved point, therefore the curve indicates a function not otherwise. They draw a vertical line perpendicular to the y-axis there, it just intersects one more chart point, which is why a graph is a feature:
In point a:
In point b:
Its y-axis length cut also by understanding the benefits of y-interception and the x-axis length gives the x-intercept.

In point C:
Every graph is y-axis symmetric because the left side of the column as well as the middle side of the graph is about the same.