The products are Calcium oxide and Carbon dioxide.
When calcium carbonate is heated, thermal decomposition occurs.
Calcium calcium → Calcium oxide + Carbon dioxide
Your answer is B.
Because it says that that carbon burns in presence of oxygen (C+O) which is equal ( => ) to Carbon Dioxide (

Answer: Option (d) is the correct answer.
In solids, molecules are held together by strong intermolecular forces of attraction. As a result, they are unable to move from their initial position and can only vibrate at their mean position.
Hence, a solid has definite shape and volume. Solids cannot be compressed.
Whereas in plasma, molecules are hot ionized which include positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. They collide much more rapidly with each other and are widely spreaded out.
Therefore, they occupy the volume of container in which they are placed. Plasma can be compressed.
Thus, we can conclude that substance X is a solid and substance Y is a plasma.
The relationships between molecules atoms and a grain of sugar is the combination of atoms to molecules and the combination of molecules to a compound.
Atom is the foreground to the existence of matter and matter is just another huge combination of atoms. The presence of neutrons, protons and electrons are the important structures of atoms and these atoms are merged to build a molecule.
The relationships between molecules atoms and a grain of sugar is the combination of atoms to molecules and the combination of molecules to a compound.
Molecules are brought together with positive and negative parts of protons and electrons to form bonds and compounds. And compounds come up with elements which connects all these atoms.