According to law of definite proportion, for a compound, elements always combine in fixed ratio by mass.
The formula of compound remains the same, let it be a_{x}b_{y} where, a and b are two different elements.
Since, the ratio of mass remains the same , calculate the ratio of masses of element a and b in both cases
y=\frac{10\times 35}{15}=23.3
Thus, mass of b produced will be 23.3 g.
Adrenaline gives you energy and stimulates your heart. When in stressful situations, like survival, you’re body is reacting and releasing this hormone.
for more details are in the pic
Water has the greatest ΔEN
ΔEN H₂O → 3.4 - 2.1 = 1.3 Option D.
We should find the Electronegativity data in the Periodic table for all the elements:
C : 2.6
O: 3.4
H: 2.1
S: 2.6
N: 3.0
a. ΔEN CO₂ → 3.4 - 2.6 = 0.4
b. ΔEN H₂S → 2.6 - 2.1 = 0.5
c. ΔEN NH₃ → 3 - 2.1= 0.9
d. ΔEN H₂O → 3.4 - 2.1 = 1.3