There are no decimal points, and there are 2 numbers. Therefore, the first number will be a "10s" number, and the second will be a "1s" number.
0.95 rounded to the nearest hundredth (I assume that's what you mean) would still be 0.95. Since I saw your other question, I think you're looking for 0.095 rounded to the nearest hundredth, which is 0.10.
Step-by-step explanation:
If you use Pascal's triangle, which I did, you will look at the 5th row of the triangle which contains the numbers 1, 4, 6, 4, 1
If we expand using a = 2x and b = -1, then the expansion looks like this:

If you simplify all that down by multiplying, you'll get

If you don't know how to use Pascal's triangle, you need to learn. It's so very cool!