Half-wave rectifier converts an AC signal into a DC signal. It's called a half-wave because it only rectify the positive part of an AC signal.
AC Signal = An electrical signal that alternates between positive and negative voltage.
DC Signal = An electrical signal that only has positive voltage.
Rectify = A fancy word for converting something.
Adding a capacitor helps the positive part of the signal stay on longer. This work because the capacitor stores energy kinda like a battery. During the negative part of the AC signal, the energy stored in the capacitor will be drained and used, then the cycle repeats.
The load resistor is just there to prevent a short circuit from happening.
// Program is written in C++ Programming Language
// Comments are used for explanatory purpose
using namespace std;
int main ()
// Variable declaration
string name;
int numQuestions;
int numCorrect;
double percentage;
//Prompt to enter student's first and last name
cout<<"Enter student's first and last name";
cin>>name; // this line accepts input for variable name
cout<<"Number of question on test"; //Prompt to enter number of questions on test
cin>> numQuestions; //This line accepts Input for Variable numQuestions
cout<<"Number of answers student got correct: "; // Prompt to enter number of correct answers
cin>>numCorrect; //Enter number of correct answers
percentage = numCorrect * 100 / numQuestions; // calculate percentage
cout<<name<<" "<<percentage<<"%"; // print
return 0;
The code above calculates the percentage of a student's score in a certain test.
The code is extracted from the Question and completed after extraction.
It's written in C++ programming language
Trojan horse
A trojan horse attack is a type of malware that misleads users, as it appears unsuspicious at first, but actually presents a threat to the user. A common example is that of an email that contains a malicious attachment. Another common example is that of a fake advertisement. The name comes from the Greek story of the Trojan horse that led to the fall of the city of Troy.