The answer is “unclear, you must include a question for these numbers”
The correct answer should be low to moderate intensity and long duration. For weight loss, it's better to do something at a lower intensity but for a long time than to do something quickly but pushing yourself. That's why cardio exercises and running is great for losing weight. It helps you work at your own pace and you can do them for a long time.
They might make the wrong decision because their judgment was clouded by their emotions
When active in extreme weather you should always mind two things, your outfit and hydration. Keeping yourself hydrated and protected is essential, as wearing a cap and sunglasses can protect you in the sun just like scarves and gloves can protect you in the cold. Hydration is of extreme importance because you can collapse without enough water during a hot weather wave.
You would definitely underweight. The villi in your small intestines increase intestinal absorptive surface area approximately 30-fold and 600-fold respectively. This provides exceptionally efficient absorption of nutrients in the lumen. This increases the surface area for food to be absorbed. So if there were to be less villi you would underweight.