possessive Determinants
Given - The determinants that indicate who owns something or to whom it belongs are the:
Solution -
The determinants that indicate who owns something or to whom it belongs are possessive Determinants.
The determinants possessive tonics always go behind the name to which they refer and agree in gender and number with the noun to the that accompany it . Example : A friend of mine is coming today.
A war crime occurs when unnecessary injury is inflicted upon the enemy which also includes acts of mistreatment to civilians. A crime is an unlawful act that is punishable by the state or other authority
No, on the contrary, I am totally against the granting of extraordinary powers to any political leader, whatever the issue. On the contrary, I think that every government official must have limited powers, controlled by the other branches of government. In this way, they will not be able to exceed their prerogatives, affecting the freedoms and rights of citizens.