The conditioned stimulus - song.
The unconditioned stimulus -parents fighting.
The conditioned response - anxiety towards song.
The unconditioned response - anxiety towards parents fighting.
Classical conditioning may be defined as the learning procedure when the biological strong stimulus is combined with neutral stimulus elicit a strong response.
The conditioned stimulus is strong stimulus and in this case song acts as conditioned stimulus and produces a conditioned response of the anxiety against the song. The unconditioned is the neutral stimulus and when combined with the conditioned produces the response. Here, the unconditioned stimulus is parents fighting and the unconditioned response generated by this stimulus is the anxiety of the parents fighting.
Major Depressive Disorder
Major depressive disorder, also known as depression, is a mental disorder that is characterized by symptoms of discouragement, sadness, unwillingness, fatigue, easy crying, lack of pleasure, difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite, insomnia, loss of libido, among other manifestations. People with major depressive disorder have depressed mood most of the time, almost daily, with a feeling of emptiness, sadness, and hopelessness. Jorge has many symptoms related to major depressive disorder, so we can say that she may be suffering from major depressive disorder.
Answer: It has 2, dry and wet methods
This cleaner is for breaking down the dirt and heavy oily spots.
- In Garage Gorilla XDXtra Cleaner description of usage are two methods, wet and dry. The wet method with rinsing is considering a pump spray on top of the cleaner. It could be rinsed off with water while when you are using a dry method, you don't have to rinse it off.
Approximately 360,000 babies
Jaundice has to do with bilirubin and liver which is basically hepatitis