It is an irrational number.
Irrational numbers can be written as a decimal but not a fraction. It has an endless non-repeating digits to the right of the decimal point.
Rational numbers are those that can be written as a ratio. Meaning it can be written as a fraction where both numerator and denominator are whole numbers.
intimately there are three types of angles a cute angle and angle between zero and 90° right angle and angle 90 degree angle of two angle and angle between 90 and 180 degree
15x + 7
Step-by-step explanation:
x + (7 + 14x)
x + 7 + 14x
15x + 7
The volume of the cone is 16.8 in cubed.
Step-by-step explanation:
The formula for a cone is πr^2 multiplied by h/3. The r is radius and h is height. So throwing in the values for the variables we get 16.8 in cubed.