If you find the least common denominator, that is 143. Then, you convert 2/13=22/143 and 1/11=13/143. Next, subtract 22/143-13/143=9/143 which is B
Please learn your fractions :/ they’ll be useful for the future, trust me. If you need further help to understand, idk if there is a PM feature here but if there is feel free. But I have answered 3 fraction questions for you within this hour and it’s under the high school level category??? Thank you and have a nice night.
The graph of the function contains the points (0,-7), (1,-9), and (3,-1) is incorrect
it contains all the points except the last set...(3,-1)
y = -2x - 7
-1 = -2(3) - 7
-1 = -6-7
-1 = - 13 (incorrect)
<h3>Answer: independent </h3>
Each cube doesn't affect the other one, which means that the probabilities are not altered. This is assuming that the cubes don't bump into each other when rolling on the table. So either there's enough space on the table, or they take turns one at a time.
it is b
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation: BECAUSE IF YOU TAKE -4P -15P=-19P