a. An intoxication
Intoxication occurs when a toxic substance comes into contact with an organism and causes a number of adverse effects, affecting its homeostasis, disrupting the organic balance.
When a person or animal eats a food contaminated mainly with bacteria, a number of unpleasant symptoms are triggered by the body due to the poisoning caused by some substance released by the bacteria. Usually people associate the infection with spoiled / spoiled foods, but often they can eat contaminated, good-looking foods.
This is the case of intoxication caused by V. parahavmolyticus. Food contaminated by this bacterium has no change in color, taste or smell. When someone eats food contaminated with V. parahavmolyticus, they ingest a toxin produced by this bacterium. This illness is referred to as food intoxication.
Independent Variables can be manipulated, and a Dependent Variable are observed and measured. Another way to say it is that the Independent variables change to get different results while the Dependent variables never change because you are trying to see what causes it to change
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