Okay. When it comes to multiplying decimals, you multiply them just like you would do whole numbers. However, solving them by paper, you would add a decimal point into the answer, depending on how many numbers are behind the decimal point in the numbers being multiplied. In this case, the decimal point will go in front of two numbers, because there are two numbers behind the decimal point in -1.2 and 0.4. Know that the answer will be negative, because there is one negative and one positive number.
Multiply both numbers. -1.2 * 0.4 is -0.48. There. The product is -0.48.
Step-by-step explanation:
The formula for volume of a box is length×width×height = volume
So you would multiply 3.5×6×3=63
This would be something like [5] or -[-5] which is absolute value (>.<)
Lose money. you lose $3 a week
Step-by-step explanation:
5*6 = 30
a) Kylie has 8 marbles
b) 7 Cylinders
c) 17 carrots
d) 8 marbles belong to Shauntay
Step-by-step explanation:
5. Identify the type and subtype of each of the fol-
lowing problems.
a. Shawn has 15 marbles, which is 7 more marbles than Kyle has. How many marbles does Kyle have?
Shawn = 15 marbles
S = K + 7
15 = K + 7
K = 15 - 7
K = 8 marbles
Kylie has 8 marbles
b. Tiffany has 12 blocks, 5 of which are cubes and the rest cylinders. How many blocks are cylinders?
T = 12 blocks
Cubes = 5
Cylinders = the rest
12 blocks = Cubes + Cylinders
Cylinders = 12 - Cubes
Cylinders = 12 - 5
Cylinder = 7
c. Peter had some carrots. After he ate 3 of them, he had 14 carrots left. How many carrots did Peter have before?
Number of carrots Peter has before
= Number of carrots he ate + Number of carrots he has now
= 14 + 3
= 17 carrots
d. In a bag of 17 marbles, 9 marbles belong to Kelly and the rest belong to Shauntay. How many marbles belong to Shauntay?
Total number of Marbles = 17
Kelly = 9 marbles
Shauntay = ?
Total = Kelly + Shauntay
Shauntay = Total - Kelly's marbles
= ( 17 - 9) marbles
= 8 marbles
8 marbles belong to Shauntay