A parent. A parent is an immediate family
prefix and if it is added at the end of a word it is called as a suffix
The patient should consume 30-45 g of carbohydrate at 3 to 4 hours of interval.
Insulin dependent diabetes ( Type I diabetes) may be defined as the medical condition in which no insulin are produced from the beta cells of pancreas. The symptoms include blurred vision and increased thirst.
The cure of Type I diabetes is very little or not possible at all. The acute illness episodes in diabetic patient can cause health related problems. The diabetics should must consume at least 30-45 g of carbohydrate by using gelatin and regular sweetened carbonated beverages.
<em>Which set of symptoms describes the short-term effects of amphetamines? </em>
- sever anxiety,
- lack of appetite,
- teeth grinding,
- erectile dysfunction.
- dizziness,
- increased heart rate,
- irregular heartbeat,
- heart palpitations,
- rapid breathing rate,
- increased body temperature......
To be assertive and clear