First question :as a caring classmate, i should be concerned because Maria's health may be affected due to her eating habits and this will cause her to have lack of energy because she is not taking enough carbohydrates and other nutritions. In the long term, she will face health issues such as always feeling tired and sleepy.
Second question:Because she is from Portugal and the food preferenced may be a bit different from the food she is having here, so maybe i can tried to talk to her and learn more about her eating preferences, i can also learn to make a few dishes that she will enjoy which may helps her to eat more and enjoy eating the food here
Normal unfavorable impacts of ipratropium include upper respiratory contaminations, urinary tract diseases, visit inclination to urinate, grisly or shady pee, bladder torment, compounding of COPD, wheezing, shortness of breath, hack delivering bodily fluid, and snugness in the chest.
What is the difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion?
Heat Stroke is the worst type of heat-related illness because it can be life-threatening. This is characterized by body temperature higher than 105 degrees Fahrenheit or 40.6 degrees Celsius, complications with the central nervous system, nausea, seizures, confusion, disorientation, and loss of consciousness or coma. Heat stroke is a consequence of other milder forms of heat-related illnesses like heat fainting, heat exhaustion, and heat cramps. If left untreated it can cause damage to the brain and other internal organs.
Heat exhaustion is less severe compared to heat stroke. Heat exhaustion can be classified as: water depletion and salt depletion. The former, water depletion, is characterized by excessive thirst, weakness, headache, and loss of consciousness. The latter, salt depletion, is characterized by nausea and vomiting, muscle cramps, and dizziness.