Heat the water up a little
Adjusting pH in Water
Pure or distilled water has a pH level of 7, which means it is neutral. If you want to increase the pH of water, you must add an alkaline substance, such as baking powder, to it. If you want to decrease the pH of water, you add an acidic substance, such as lemon juice, to it
the ocean, the ocean floor basalts, evaporite deposits and reduced marine sediments.
Boron: isotope data. Both isotopes ofBoron, B-10 and B-11, are used extensively in the nuclear industry. B-10 is used in the form of boric acid as a chemical shim in pressurized water reactors while in the form of sodium pentaborate it is used for standby liquid control systems in boiling water reactors
Answer: The destruction of crust occurs at deep-sea trenches. Oceanic rocks are pillow-shaped when formed. Rocks across the ocean floor have alternating magnetic stripes. Younger rocks are closer to mid-ocean ridges.