Reactors use uranium for nuclear fuel. The uranium is processed into small ceramic pellets and stacked together onto sealed metal tubes called fuel rods. The heat created by fission turns the water into steam.
That is very true, but what is the question asking you.
we humans have our own ify classification for celestial objects, most people are saddened that pluto is not a planet anymore altho it hasn't changed at all.
scientist say that if an object is going to be considered a planet it must fill in these three checkboxes:
You must be spherical, you must orbit a star, and you must have already cleared your path or debris.
Pluto fills in the first two boxes but it does orbit in the keyperbelt and there are 5 other objects just like it. this is why pluto has been dubbed a dwarf planet.
They are unbalanced forces ..... Hope this helps :3