The reaction would take place with racemization.
The compound (R)-3-bromo 3-methylhexane contains has the leaving group attached to a tertiary carbon atom. When the leaving group is attached to a tertiary carbon atom, the compound undergoes nucleophilic substitution via SN1 mechanism. This mechanism involves the formation of a planar carbocation intermediate. The nucleophile may attack this intermediate from either faces, leading to racemization of the product.
I would answer this but i have to go to bed i have a reading test tommorow
Anytime an atom shares or transfers electrons a bond is formed, sharing= covalent and transfer= ionic
Shaking a phone cord, strumming a guitar string, playing a trumpet
At the melting point, some molecules overcome the forces of attraction. Energy gained after the the solid melts increases the average kinetic energy or the temperature. When liquid is freezing the energy flows out the the liquid. As the kinetic energy decreases, they move more slowly.