When you talk about rate, you will expect that it will be in terms of a time unit. It measures how fast it is going. So, you would expect that the denominator is in time units. For the movement, you can measure this with either distance or velocity.
So, for the first variety, you would need distance and time to measure the rate of how far you go at a certain time. It is also called as velocity. For the second variety, you would need velocity and time to measure the rate of how fast you are going at a certain interval. It is also called as acceleration.
The June solstice in the Northern hemisphere is the summer solstice. The June Solstice in the Southern hemisphere is the winter solstice. The summer solstice is equivalent to the longest day while the winter solstice is equivalent to the shortest day. Therefore on the local sky, when is the June solstice we have have the longest day (longest path of sun in the sky) in the Northern hemisphere and the shortest day (shortest path of sun in the sky) in the Southern hemisphere.
Rate of speed (3 m/s north is three miles per second north, so it's a rate of speed)