Their lungs would try to expand to about 4 timed the normal volume which would force air into the various body tissues. this can cause a lung expansion injury and it could case air embolism. Air embolism is when air bubbles get trapped in blood vessels. This can lead to a blockage which will could be fatal.
The single most important chemical weathering agent is Carbon dioxide.
Weathering refers to the process that change the physical and chemical character of rock at or near the surface. Weathering has a dramatic impact on the composition of Earth's atmosphere. Chemical weathering removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, allowing it to be transformed into limestone and stored in the crust. Without chemical weathering, the elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would have long made Earth too hot to sustain life.
Being frozen, staying a liquid, becoming ice, and becoming a gas (steam)
A tetrahedral carbon is__sp³__hybridized while a linear carbon is__sp___hybridized. Two different compounds that have the same molecular formula are known as___isomers____. Pi (π) bonds are generally_weaker (because they overlapped side ways)___than sigma (sigma) bonds. Hybridization is the combination of two or more__atomic ____orbitals to form the same number of__hybrid (combined s and p)__orbitals, each having the same shape and energy. A_pi (π)____bond is formed by side-by-side overlap of two p orbitals. The_electronegativity___is a measure of an atom's attraction for electrons in a bond and indicates how much a particular atom ''wants" electrons. Two Lewis structures that have the same atomic placement and a structure but a different arrangement of pi electrons are called_Resonance structure____. All single bonds are___sigma__bonds.
15mL because if it started as 20 mL and went to 35mL when u put in pyrite, the pyrite takes up 15mL