what kind of chemistry is it going to be?
The correct answer is option 1. Butane and 2-butene have the same total number of carbon atoms. They both have four carbon atoms. They differ in there structure since the latter has double bonds on it. As a result of the different structure, they also have different properties.
"The solubility of gases decreases as temperature rises" statements about trends in solubility is accurate.
<u>Option: D</u>
A substance's solubility is the quantity of that component that is needed at a defined degree of temperature to produce a saturated solution in any set quantity of solvent. Some compounds like hydrochloric acid, ammonia, etc have solubility that reduces with rising temperature. They are both standard-pressure gases.
When heating a solvent with a gas absorbed in it, both the solvent and the solute spike in the kinetic energy.When the gaseous solute's kinetic energy rises, the molecules have a higher propensity to overcome the solvent molecules' connection and migrate to the gas phase. Thus, a gas's solubility reduces with rising temperature.
<u>When an alkyl benzene is heated with strong oxidizing asgents like acidic or alkline KMnO4</u>
<u> or acidified K2Cr2O7</u>
<u>, etc. gives aromatic carboxyllic acid. The alkyl side chain gets oxidised to −COOH</u>
<u> group irrespective of the size of the chain.</u>
Mass 456
relative mass 82
mass = rm x moles
456/82 = 5.5609756....