Liquids and gases.
For most substances, when heated to a high enough temperature, the molecules begin moving faster which results in its liquid or gas state.
694,563,239 rounded to the nearest thousand is 694,563.
It's because the first digit from the right is for ones, second for tens, third for hundreds and fourth for thousands and that's the one that we should take a closer look at. You can round it either to 3 or 4, depends on the digit of hundreds. In this case 3239 is clearly closer to 3000 than 4000, that's why we round it to 694,563, not 694,564.
Upper H superscript plus, plus upper O upper H superscript minus right arrow upper H subscript 2 upper O.
i just took the test , i hope this helps:)
A carbon which is attached to four different atoms or group of atoms with different environment is called as
Chiral Carbon or
Asymmetric Carbon.
</span> The mirror image (molecule) of chiral carbon cotaining compounds are Non.Superimposable on each other. They are called enantiomers of each other.
Polarized Light and Chiral Carbon: When a polarized light is allowed to fall on either enantiomer of chiral compound, it is rotated other clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Examples: Below are three axamples of compounds containing chiral carbon.
Hi, can you post what you need help with??