Stretch, warm-up, workout, stretch
B below
The hypothalamus is located at the bottom or below the thalamus. The name hypo means below or at the bottom. Hypothalamus is an organ reponsible for maintaining body temperature, regulating bodily hormones and basic drives such as sex, hunger and thirst. The organ is part of the limbic system which has a role on emotions and memory.
All packaged foods come with a nutrition label meant to provide you with the information necessary to know exactly what you're eating. Understanding what's in the foods you eat helps you make healthier choices. Checking food labels also makes it easy for you to compare the nutrient content of different options. A healthy diet is crucial throughout your lifetime and paying attention to nutrition labels is a good step toward improving your overall diet.
It mean how someone identifies as
since there are more then one gender it all depends on what the person would like to be called some poeple just like their pronouns to be they/them