That depends on what type of pressure you are attempting to measure, to measure Atmospheric pressure, you would use a Barometer. To measure things like tires, you could use a Tire Pressure Gauge. For Industrial processes and boilers, you would use a Manometer. For pressure vessels, you would use a Bordon Gauge. <span />
Neutrons have a zero charge but consist of mass.
a) Density is the amount of mass in a specific amount of volume
b) Some substances are less dense than water so will float and vice versa
c) The wooden plank has less density than water due to having larger volume and vice versa with the wooden block since volume and density are inversely proportional
II) (a) They are all metals
(b) water -> Compound
oxygen -> Element
Gold-> Element
Salt-> Compound
a) 1111.0 seconds
b) 833.3 s
c) Because of proportions
a) Total time of round trip is the sum of time upriver and time downriver

Time upriver is calculated with the net speed of student and 0.500 km:

(Becareful with units 0.5 km= 500m) Similarly of downriver:

So the sum is:

b) Still water does not affect student speed, so total time would be simply:

c) For the upriver trip, student moved half the distance in half speed of the calculation in b), so it kept the same ratio and therefore, same time. So the aditional time is actually the downriver.