The electronegativity difference in C-C and C-H atoms is quite low. This means smaller the electron cloud. This further means larger bond length that is electron's are further from the nucleus. hence, higher potential energy of C-C and C-H bonds.
On the contrary, C-O and H-O have large difference in electronegativity( O is high electronegative element) . This means smaller bond length. Electron's near the nucleus. Thus, lower potential energy of bonds.
It is not directly over a flame because it depends on the substance you might not want to heat it too much.you never know what could happen
The quality or state of being volcanic.
Separation of components of crude oil
1. How do metals and non-metals react with acids?
Ans : Non metals does not react with acids while metals react with acids and produce hydrogen gas that burns with a 'pop'sound.
2. Write and explain the chemical equation for the reaction of magnesium with sulphuric acid and aluminium with hydrochloric acid.
Magnesium + sulphuric acid = Hydrogen + salt
Mg(s) + H2SO4 (aq) MgSO 4(aq) +H2 (g)
Aluminium + Hydrochloric acid = Hydrogen + Aluminium chloride