since its the tip, you will feel it the most there.
<em>likely to decrease downstream in arid regions and increase downstream in temperate regions</em>
Arid regions are is a region with a severe lack of water, usually to the extent that affect the organisms living in the region. Arid regions are characterized by a very low depth of rainfall per year. Temperate region on the other hand experience more distinct seasonal change and wider temperature change. Temperate regions get a fairly large amount of rainfall per year.
In arid regions, the soil is very dry, and the rate of infiltration and percolation is high relative to the amount of rainfall available. The effect is that more water is infiltrated into the soil as you move downstream, leading to a decrease in the discharge of a stream as you move downstream. Most temperate region have soils that are usually saturated in the peak of the rainfall season, leading to a greater stream discharge as you move downstream.
Static electricity. Like the balloon against hair
Percent error is the difference between the experimental value and theoretical value and measures the accuracy of the result found. The larger the error, lesser is the accuracy and vice versa.
It is a mathematical way of showing accuracy
The higher the percent error, the less accurate the data set,