There are two dots are present on the left side of calcium atom which represents the unpaired electrons present in the outermost shell. This structure is presented by Lewis in order to show the number of unpaired electrons in the atom.
Are transferred completely from the valence shell of an element to the other
Basically, to form a chemical bond, you either transfer or you share. When you share, it is a case of covalent bonding which can be in several other forms. When there is a transfer, it is a case of ionic bonding.
The basic explanation for this is that while some atoms are electronically sufficient, some are electronically deficient. This means while some atoms are having an excess number of electrons, then some are having less number of electrons.
To satisfy both parties, there must be a transfer if electrons between the two parties. While the one with the excess numbers serves as the donor, the one with insufficient number of electrons serve as the acceptor
Answer: condenstation.
The polymerization by condensation is a well know chemical reaction in which two monomers ("small" molecules), each with (at least) two functional groups, combine and relase water as by-product. Actually, even if the by-product released is not water, yet the reaction is called condenstation, since the mechanism is basically the same.
An example of such reaction is the manufacturing of nylon 6,6, which is produced from adipic acid and 1,6-diamine hexane:
HOOC - [CH₂]₄ - COOH + nH₂N - [CH₂]₆ - NH₂ → - nylon - + nH₂O
I omitted the formula of nylon because it is large, and that is not the core of the question but the fact the kind of reaction: two molecules combine to form is a larger molecule, and water is released