superior = above
dorsal = behind
lateral = away from the midline
deep = internal
distal = farther from the origin of the body part etc...
medial = toward the midline
superficial = external
proximal = close to the origin of the body part etc...
ventral = anterior
superior is above , up, think of head
inferior is below, down. think of inferno ( fire, hell ) or feet , ground
lateral think of latter, to the side while medial is middle, (mid line)
deep, = internal (inside, in )
distal = distance ( dis)
Hi i hope this is still helpful for you, or for anyone else.
if i remember correctly from my drivers ed class its liability insurance
find attached the numbering of the structures in the order that they would be encountered by this molecule of CO₂
This is true and is general practice
c. Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR)
If the person is serious about best energy nutrient intakes they should consult with the <u><em>Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) </em></u></h2><h2><u><em /></u></h2>
<em>AMDR lists range of nutrient intakes from different food categories and a widely used list by nutritionists as this list has been approved and reviewed by scientific authorities across the globe. It was originally issued by </em><u><em>The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institutes of Medicine. </em></u>
<u><em /></u>
<u><em>Here's the guidelines:</em></u>
- Carbohydrate (45%-65% of energy),
- Protein (10%-35% of energy)
- Fat (20%-35% of energy) [limit saturated and trans fats]
The information about guidelines was derived from the Pubmed article <u><em>"Exercise and the Institute of Medicine recommendations for nutrition"</em></u> which you can view on PubMed. I cannot include the link as the post might get deleted for containing links.