Answer: B
The way something is arranged enables it to play its role, fulfill its job, within an organism (a living thing). Structure-function relationships arise through the process of natural selection.
Before the advent of modern biology, study of life and organism was in the realm of natural philosophy and was never in the club of classical sciences like physics, chemistry and engineering. Today biology is a science that studies life and living organisms.
A biologist can be categorized as a scientist because all the processes that supports scientific investigations are carried out in the study of biology- data collections, critical thinking, observation and collection of result for the purpose of public consumption.
On the other hand forensics is the mainly the aplication of science-mostly biology- in resolving criminal activities. It involves the collection of samples, anaylsing and presentaion of result for decison making.
The non-coding DNA sequences forms the part of the organism's DNA. It is the part of the human genome which does not encode for any protein sequence. Some of the non-coding DNA may be transcribed into into any of the functional non-coding RNA molecules such as ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA and regulatory RNA. Other functions of the non-coding DNA involve translational and transcriptional regulation of the protein coding sequences, origin of DNA replication process, scaffold attachment, telomeres and centromeres.
If we're talking about human organism then
It is multicelular.
It has a backbone.
It contains cells without nuclei.
human as almost all animals in the world is multicellular meaning they have more than one cell (some bacterias has only one)
backbone or "vertebra" is the is the bone of our back who supports us making us stand up.
Yes our cells contain nuclei
, The nucleus contains nucleoplasm, a component where it is immersed in genetic material and as structures that are important for the performance of its functions
And finally our body don't have radial symmetry, radial symmetry is when you can "cut" the image in more than one piece keeping the symmetry in every side, some animals with radial symmetry are the starfish and the jellyfish.
This occurs in the first stage of secondary syphilis