Matter is anything that has weight and occupies space.
To prove that a bicycle is a matter, we need to show that it has weight and will occupy space.
When you put the bicycle on a weighing scale, you will see the weight of the bicycle. This a proof that bicycle is a matter.
To show that the bicycle can occupy space, place the device in a tank full of water. From the tank, the bicycle will displace some water. Substances that cannot occupy space will not behave in such manner.
in nuclear fusion deep in the interiors of stars
Nuclear fusion -
It is the type of reaction , where two or more atomic nuclei of the atom merges together to release two or more different nuclei along with some subatomic particles , is referred to as a nuclear fusion reaction .
The reaction can very well be done on stars , because of very high energy .
Hence , a nuclear fusion occurs deep inside the stars .
transitive verb. 1 : to prove wrong by argument or evidence : show to be false or erroneous. 2 : to deny the truth or accuracy of refuted the allegations.
Depending on the testing process being used, it may affect the object by making it shape differently, scratch, it or sometimes do absolutely nothing. hope this helps:)