The water is more dense than the needle so it can withstand the weight. It is the contraction of the water falling faster than the others forming a drop pattern or the water getting smaller so the top looked smaller.
Pool smell is due, not to chlorine, but to chloramines, chemical compounds that build up in pool water when it is improperly treated. Chloramines result from the combination of two ingredients: (a) chlorine disinfectants and (b) perspiration, oils and urine that enter pools on the bodies of swimmers.
C. A stretch of raised land, often built to help control flooding and the flow of a river.
Embankments are made typically of construction adjacent to the river from spoil excavated from its bank.
A red giant is a luminous giant star of low or intermediate mass in a late phase of stellar evolution. The outer atmosphere is inflated and tenuous, making the radius large and the surface temperature around 5,000 K or lower.