Hi. The question you presented above is incomplete. This makes it impossible for this question to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which asked you to explain the evolutionary relationship between these three species. If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.
In a simplified way, we can infer that among the three species presented above, the third presented a faster evolution than the first two and this is what explains the difference between the gene sequences between the species. As the question presents, the three species have related genes, which indicates that they had a common ancestor, however the difference in the gene sequence of the third species shows that it evolved first, showing changes that cannot be noticed in the first two species that are evolving more slowly.
Heredity: all the traits and properties that are passed along biologically from both parents to child. To some degree this determines your general level of health. You inherit physical traits such as the color of your hair and eyes, shape of your nose and ears, as well as your body type and size.
Brainliest please?
Gases dissolving decreases the entropy of the system, so the equilibrium shifts towards the side with greater entropy when temperature increases causing the gasses to escape faster in warmer liquids.
Embryo is multicellular diploid body, under mitosis it forms zygote which is single cell. The union of sperm cell and egg cell. This divides rapidly in the days followed by fertilisation. After two week of division it forms zygote. Most of flowering plants in the tissue present in the seed. It is surrounded by the embryo and also provides nutrition in the form of starch, it also have oils and proteins in it.
Ok so theirs this thing called asking your teacher for help especially when it’s such an easy question