You would have to transform the fractions to decimals by dividing. For the first one, if you divide 4 by 5 you get .8. To transform a decimal to percent you move the decimal place 2 times to the right or multiply by 100 (They both would give you the same thing)
1.So the problem "y=2x+5" is in standard form and no modification is necessary. For a parabolic equation, the standard form is y = a(x - h)^2 + k, from which direction (polarity of "a") and axis of symmetry (value of "h"), etc.
2.Ax + By + C = 0 or Ax + By = C.
The lateral surface area is the area of the side thing, not the 2 circles.
If we imagine to stretch the side out, we can get a rectangle with base the circumference to the base circle, and height of 9 inches.
Therefore this area is pi*8*9=72π
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
5=2x+1 4=2x 2=x