Skinless chicken or turkey, Ground beef, Beans/ lentils, low or no fat dairy, fish, nuts / seeds, and my personal favorite eggs.
C) Type 1 is also referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes.
Explanation: Type 1 diabetes is due destruction of the beta cells of islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. This results in decreased production of the insulin by the beta cells. Majority of the patients are adolescent and young adults. Hence it is called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile onset diabetes mellitus
Type one diabetes is an autoimmune disorder which is caused by the bodies production of antibodies which attack the cells in the pancreas which make insulin.
Type one diabetes, unlike many cases of type two cannot be prevented, and is caused by the production of antibodies. What causes these antibodies is unknown, but some think that it is due to genetics, viral factors or chemicals.
Resistance training includes things like weightlifting. When performing this type of exercise, what should we keep in mind about its frequency?
1.High-intensity workouts minimize the need for greater frequency
2.As long as it is done safely, the same muscle groups can be worked daily
3.In order to provide rest, muscle groups should be worked every other day
4.There is no significant difference in the frequency requirements for weight training