An occluded front forms when a warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses. The warm air mass is cut ofl or occluded' from the ground. The occluded warm front may cause clouds and precipitation. A swirling center of low air pressure is called a cyclone.
More than 40 percent measured above 5 ppb of lead, which the researchers considered an indication of a “very serious” problem.
Q or the Reaction Quotient is the interaction between the reactants and products in a given chemical reaction. The value of Q should be compared to the value of K (which is the value of the reaction at equilibrium) in order to determine which way the reaction should move to achieve equilibrium.If Q is already equal to K, then this indicates that the reaction is in equilibrium. If Q>K, then the reactants are converted to products; If Q<K, then the products are converted to reactants. Either way, the reaction proceeds to move towards equilibrium after some time.
Answer: The empirical formula for the given compound is
Explanation : Given,
Percentage of C = 38.8 %
Percentage of H = 16.2 %
Percentage of N = 45.1 %
Let the mass of compound be 100 g. So, percentages given are taken as mass.
Mass of C = 38.8 g
Mass of H = 16.2 g
Mass of N = 45.4 g
To formulate the empirical formula, we need to follow some steps:
Step 1: Converting the given masses into moles.
Moles of Carbon =
Moles of Hydrogen =
Moles of Nitrogen =
Step 2: Calculating the mole ratio of the given elements.
For the mole ratio, we divide each value of the moles by the smallest number of moles calculated which is 3.23 moles.
For Carbon =
For Hydrogen =
For Oxygen =
Step 3: Taking the mole ratio as their subscripts.
The ratio of C : H : N = 1 : 5 : 1
Hence, the empirical formula for the given compound is