Telescope is usually defined as an optical instrument that is commonly used to observe the objects in a magnified way that are located at a large distance from earth. These telescopes are comprised of lenses and curved mirrors that are needed to be arranged in a proper way in order to have a prominent look. It is commonly used by the astronomers.
This was first constructed by Hans Lippershey in the year 1608.
42 grams
you multiply the value by 1000 to get your answer
the answer for the question is the last option
<span>The answer is C: water is drawn up a straw by cohesion and adhesion. Water molecules stick to one another and the walls of the straw, just like in a capillary.
Cohesion is the attractive force between like materials (between water
Adhesion is the attractive force between twounlike materials (such as between
water and a solid container).
Capillary action is the tendency of a liquid to rise innarrow tubes or small openings as a result of adhesion and cohesion.
The liquid water molecules bind to the straw—a process known as adhesion. In the narrow space of the straw, the interaction of cohesion and adhesion causes theliquid to be drawn upward in the straw.</span>