When sunlight hits the moon's surface, the temperature can reach 260 degrees Fahrenheit (127 degrees Celsius). When the sun goes down, temperatures can dip to minus 280 F (minus 173 C).
The percentage of honey in one granola bar is 26.02 percent.
The weight of 1 granola bar is 42.9 grams. The grams of honey that is present in one granola bar is equal to 26.02 percent of 42.9 = 11.16 g
Now the amount of honey in the factory is given as 189.5g the weight of total granola bars would be

So no. of granula bars
that can be Approximated to nearly 17
Now if one box has 6 bars then 17 bars will have to fit inside three boxes
Yes. They are called compound machines because two or more simple machines were combined to create it.
So, personally, I think it's not that safe to live right by a nuclear plant because it contains radioactive energy and that is unhealthy to the human body. Living by one a person should also take the precautions that it could have a malfunction and that could cause a fatal accident, an explosion. With that radioactive energy is released and both ruins the area and destroys everything. Well my answer is not that great but I hope this helps.