The elements in the periodice table are not listed in alphabetical order, because the arragement in rows (periods) and columns (groups or familes), in increasing order of atomic number (number of protons of the atoms) permits to explain similarities among the elements, trend in some properties, and even predict properties of unknown elements.
For example, the elements of the first group (family), called alkaline metals, all have 1 valence electron, have similar physical properties (ductibility, malleability, luster, thermal and electricity conductivity), react in similar way with water, show a trend in the atomic radii and in the ionization energy.
You can tell similar stories for other groups like, alkalyne earth metals, halogens and noble gases.
You can also tell trends in electroneativities, and atomic radii, for a row of elements, as per the order they are in the row.
So, the current array resulted very helpul for chemists to explain and predict the behavior and properties of the elements.
The definition of a gem is "a precious stone, cut and polished for jewelry. They are all minerals. Some highly desirable gemstones may not be suitable for jewelry, yet be very collectible, like sphene. Others, like those in the corundum family, are prized for color and hardness, like emeralds and diamonds. Further, some common minerals, when polished, make beautiful pieces. With all that said, i woukd go with rarer.
Primero debes usar los gramos de co2 y luego buscar su peso molecular, luego de eso usar la relación de moles entre CO2 y H2O y por último buscar el pm del H2O pata ver cuantos gramos de produce.
by heart beat camel lives
Excited State
It's when electrons absorb energy and move to a higher level.