Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Pollution can be defined as the physical degradation or contamination of the environment through an emission of harmful, poisonous and toxic chemical substances.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the organization that oversees environmental compliance.
In the United States of America, the agency which was established by US Congress and saddled with the responsibility of overseeing all aspects of pollution, environmental clean up, pesticide use, contamination, and hazardous waste spills is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Also, EPA research solutions, policy development, and enforcement of regulations through the resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
Hence, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the governmental agency set up to ensure that various industries, factories and people comply with laws and regulations concerning the environment.
You should do it. it is okay if it does not work because if she knows it does not exist she is using it as a example of how it don't exist
If we connect batteries in series then the output voltage is the sum of the individual voltage of each battery i.e if you connect three 12 volts batteries in series then their output voltage will be 12+12+12=36 volts, but the current rating of the batteries in series will be same of the individual battery rating in 'mah'.
But when we connect the batteries in parallel their voltage is not added but their current rating in mah is addition of their individual rating.
So, If you want 24 volts from three 12 volts battery then you can connect two of them in series and the other one in parallel with them this will give 24 volts and the current will be addition of the two series batteries and the third which is in parallel with them. You can use this configuration if current value is not a big factor.
C: Stop before entering the pedestrian crosswalk.
Answer and Explanation:
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x= sin(2*pi*200*t) + sin(2*pi*400*t);
y= sin(2*pi*200*t) + sin(2*pi*900*t);
for n = 1:20
a(n) = (2/N)*sum(x.*(cos(2*pi*n*t)))
b(n) = (2/N)*sum(x.*(sin(2*pi*n*t)))
c(n) = sqrt(a(n).^2+b(n).^2)
theta(n) =-(360/(2*pi))*atan(b(n)./a(n));