You are correct :) Red coat's genotype would be tt and the black bull's genotype would be Tt. You put those in a punnett square, and you'd get 2 tt's and 2 Tt's. Hope this helps! :D
When temp rises the liquid rises to temp and when temp drops liquid drops to temp
Punnet squares are a useful tool for predicting what the offspring will look like when mating plants or animals. Reginald Crundall Punnett, a mathematician, came up with these in 1905, long after Mendel's experiments. Let's take a look at how Punnet squares work using the yellow and green peas example from im not sure about the tree by three thing but maybe this will help :)
Survival of the Fittest means that animals best suited to a certain area will survive, not that the largest will survive. An example of this is the mouse.
When an animal adapts to live longer, they are adapting to their predators and their environment. For smaller animals, like mice, being big might mean that hawks are able to find them easier, leaving only the small mice to reproduce. I hope this helps!