Oxybenzone contains ether, phenol and ketone (-CO) functional group alonq with two aromatic rings.
The first 50 elements along with their valences are given below :
1. Hydrogen = 1
2. Helium = 0
3. Lithium = 1
4. Beryllium = 2
5. Boron = 3
6. Carbon = 4
7. Nitrogen = 3
8. Oxygen = 2
9. Fluorine = 1
10. Neon = 0
11. Sodium = 1
12. Magnesium = 2
13. Aluminium = 3
14. Silicon = 4
15. Phosphorus = 3
16. Sulphur = 2
17. Chlorine = 1
18. Argon = 0
19. Potassium = 1
20. Calcium = 2
21. Scandiun = 3
22. Titanium = 3
23. Vanadium = 4
24. Chromium = 3
25. Manganese = 4
26. Iron = 2
27. Cobalt = 2
28. Nickel = 2
29. Copper = 2
30. Zinc = 2
31. Gallium = 3
32. Germanium = 4
33. Arsenic = 3
34. Selenium = 2
35. Bromine = 1
36. Krypton = 0
37. Rubidium = 1
38. Strontium = 2
39. Yttrium = 3
40. Zirconium = 4
41. Niobium = 3
42. Molybdenum = 3
43. Technetium = 7
44. Ruthenium = 4
45. Rhodium = 3
46. Palladium = 4
47. Sliver = 1
48. Cadmium = 2
49. Indium = 3
50. Tin = 4
<u>Note</u> :
An element like Iron, copper can have more than one valencies.
proactively develop ROE as well as responding to requests for additional ROE measures
The rules of engagement (roe) working group is a group who's main job is to proactively develop ROE as well as responding to requests for additional ROE measures. Rules of Engagement are a set or rules or directives for military soldiers that define the circumstances, conditions, degree, and manner in which the use of force can be used.
<span>The copper would go under oxidation since it will be losing two electrons. Copper starts out with an oxidation number of zero, but in order to balance the compound of CuO with the Oxygen having an oxidation number of -2, a positive 2 is required</span>
False everything involves matter