C because it has to do with opposite motions and stuff
Soil series as established by the National Cooperative Soil Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service are a level of classification in the USDA Soil Taxonomy classification system hierarchy. The actual object of classification is the so-called soil individual, or pedon.[1] Soil series consist of pedons that are grouped together because of their similar pedogenesis, soil chemistry, and physical properties. More specifically, each series consists of pedons having soil horizons that are similar in soil color, soil texture, soil structure, soil pH, consistence, mineral and chemical composition, and arrangement in the soil profile.[2] These result in soils which perform similarly for land use purposes.
hope its correct
Amount Remaining Years #half lives
100g 0 0
50 g 100 1
25g 200 2
B. The only planet to support life.
The principle of faunal succession state <em>"Specific groups of organisms have followed one another in a definite sequence through the Earth's history."</em>
Faunal succession basically means is that the fossils of the flora and fauna of different eras can be found in a specific order and never in the same strata. This allows the geologists to determine the time sequence and also to identify the various strata by dating the fossils that are found in each of them. The older version of fossils are found beneath the fossils of modified versions. For example fossils of simple feathers that cannot support flight are found to be succeeded by fossils of more complex feathers.