Around 18 minutes for nfl players
it's def hard, it will a very long time to heal. But once you get over this learning phase it’s easier to analyze why you were wrong. It’ll be easier if you blame yourself instead of the other person because thinking about the past will only hurt you more.
take time to grieve & cry
My successes were swimming 20 laps, getting B’s in Music/Art, dancing for 33 minutes, not getting the virus, staying at home, getting a B for my speech and completing homework at home. My challenges we’re swimming regularly, not understanding what the hard questions were, D’s for Geography/Science, exams with low grades, getting in shape and at school I get bullied.
My scheduling changes are going to overcome my challenges because when I swim/dance/exercise a lot I get fitter/stronger, reading the question properly/getting help will help me understand the question better, asking my teachers on what to do so I can do better for Geography/Science, study more on my exams, overcome getting bullied by telling the teacher/thinking a way to fix the problem: find friends to defeat your enemies/ tell your bullies to stop.