The correct answer is because the molecular structure.
The difficulty of ammonia and methane to be represented on paper is due to the molecular structure. These compounds have a three-dimensional projection with defined angles. Ammonia presents angles of 109.5º between the atom of Nitrogen and those of Oxygen. The ammonia presents 107.8º between the oxygen atoms.
In the methane molecule, there is 109.5º between the hydrogen molecules and the carbon atom. This results in the need for a 3D representation of the molecule.
Have a nice day!
1) Write the balaced chemical equation:
H2 + 2O2 → 2H2O
2) Infere the molar ratios:
1 mol H2 : 2 mol of water
3) Make the calculus as the direct proportion relation:
[2 mol H2O] / [1 mol H2] * 7 mol H2 = 14 mol H2
As you see you produce the double number of moles of H2O than number of moles of H2 used.
Answer: 14 moles
Because oxygen is the combustion fuel and glucose is the substrate needed for synthesis of energy as ATPs during cellular respiration.Therefore Guillermo lacks enough energy as ATPs in her body cells, especially skeletal muscles cells to complete the task of ascending the s steps.
For all the mitochondrial in cells(sites of energy production) to receive needed glucose,and other metabolites needed for energy synthesis; an efficient transport system is needed, so that these materials are available immediately, in required amount. This system is called circulatory system.
And for the the supply of combustion fuel (oxygen) needed for the completion of the ATP synthesis mechanisms; respiratory systems which convey oxygen from the external environments to the circulatory system through breathing mechanisms, for distribution is needed.
Thus the doctor needs to test both the circulatory and respiratory systems.
We have get the mass of gaseous water after evaporation in a closed container.
The mass of water vapor after evaporation is 5 grams.
In closed container, there is no exchange in mass from system to surrounding, only heat may exchange. The number of moles of water vapour remains unchanged as 5 gram water is heated in closed container.
Due to heating, liquid water gets evaporated and intermolecular distance between water molecules increases in gaseous state than liquid state and intermolecuar force of attraction decreases.
Randomness of molecules increases in gaseous state than liquid state.