Disabilities make life in school, and among peers more difficult.
Poor physical health can result in an unhealthy body composition, which in turn, may lower your self-esteem. A low self-esteem makes it more difficult to create healthy social bonds. Poor physical health may also make it more difficult to participate in many social activities.
A - at the time the even occurs
The correct answer is c. partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in arterial blood.
Ventilation is a term generally used to designate the movement of air in and out of the lungs, that is, alveolar ventilation is the volume of air that reaches the alveoli in one minute and participates in gas exchange. Carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2) consists of analyzing the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide in the blood, just like with pO2. Normal results range from 35mmHg to 45mmHg. If the level is low it may indicate respiratory alkalosis; if the level is high it may indicate respiratory acidosis. It can only be analyzed in arterial blood.